Guardian Bells

guardian-bells1.jpgThe Legend of the Bell

Have you noticed that small bell on some people's bikes
and wondered why it was there?

It's more than just decoration - It has a specific function.
As we all know, life has many mysteries that have no apparent solutions.

One of these is Evil Road Spirits.

They are the little gremlins that live on your bike. They love to ride. They're also responsible for most of your bike's problems. Read the full legend here!

  • Lion Guardian Bell Lion Guardian Bell

    Lion Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Lion Lions are powerful animals and their roar can be heard up to 5 miles away-a little bit further than the sound of our bells can reach. They have been admired throughout history for their show of majesty, strength, courage and...

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  • 13 Skulls Guardian Bell 13 Skulls Guardian Bell

    13 Skulls Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - 13 Skulls In Atlantis, 13 crystal skulls contained the consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom of everything since the beginning of time. Legend has it that the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era transforming into...

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  • Indian Guardian Bell Indian Guardian Bell

    Indian Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Indian This Indian Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is made in America. Comes in a stylish velvet bag with the Guardian Bell purpose...

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  • Elephant Guardian Bell Elephant Guardian Bell

    Elephant Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Elephant Elephants are the largest land animal on Earth but beneath their size they are gentle, thoughtful creatures. Across cultures, elephants are known to symbolize good luck, strength, power, wisdom and courage...

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  • Grim Reaper Guardian Bell Grim Reaper Guardian Bell

    Grim Reaper Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Grim Reaper The grim reaper is said to cause death by coming to collect the victim’s soul and guiding the deceased to the afterlife.This Grim Reaper Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter...

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  • Sagittarius Guardian Bell Sagittarius Guardian Bell

    Sagittarius Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Sagittarius Sagittarius, the half human and half horse, is the centaur of mythology, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. Also known as the Archer, Sagittarius is represented by the...

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  • Cat Guardian Bell Cat Guardian Bell

    Cat Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Cat Great for cat lovers or as a way to remember your furry friend. While we can’t promise the bell will purr or meow we can guarantee it will ring.This Cat Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine...

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  • Ned Kelly Guardian Bell Ned Kelly Guardian Bell

    Ned Kelly Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Ned Kelly Notorious bushranger and national identity Ned Kelly is the most famous and remembered  Australian bushranger of the 19th century. Moments before he was executed, Kelly reportedly uttered his famous last words: "Such...

  • Hawaiian Style Guardian Bell Hawaiian Style Guardian Bell

    Hawaiian Style Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Hawaiian Style Aloha! This one will have you thinking about the beaches, palm trees, and beautiful women. Hawaiian style, hang loose!This Hawaiian Style Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter...

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  • Iron Cross Guardian Bell Iron Cross Guardian Bell

    Iron Cross Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Iron Cross A timeless symbol for bikers and outlaws everywhere. The symbol is known to stand for honor, bravery, and loyalty amongst motorcyclists.This Iron Cross Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine...

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  • Kangaroo Guardian Bell Kangaroo Guardian Bell

    Kangaroo Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Kangaroo This Kangaroo Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is made in America. Comes in a stylish velvet bag with the Guardian Bell...

  • Fairy Guardian Bell Fairy Guardian Bell

    Fairy Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Fairy The fairy is a symbol of divine beauty, innocence, and a connectedness to human beings. Fairies usually have magical powers and dwell on earth in close relationship with humans.This Fairy Guardian Bell is completely lead...

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  • Flame Guardian Bell Flame Guardian Bell

    Flame Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Flame Maybe this one will spark the flame in you! This bell is  on fire!This Flame Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is made in...

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  • Leo Guardian Bell Leo Guardian Bell

    Leo Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Leo Leo is located in the Northern celestial hemisphere. Its name is Latin for lion, and to the ancient Greeks represented the Nemean Lion killed by the mythical Greek hero Heracles as one of his twelve labors.Embrace the power of...

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  • German Shepard Guardian Bell German Shepard Guardian Bell

    German Shepard Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - German Shepherd Throughout history, dogs have stood by our side offering unwavering loyalty and boundless love. These four-legged companions, each in their own unique and breed-specific ways, bring joy comfort and purpose to our...

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  • John 3:16 Guardian Bell John 3:16 Guardian Bell

    John 3:16 Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - John 3:16 One of the most important verses and a foundation for Christianity and the basis of Salvation. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but...

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