Guardian Bells

guardian-bells1.jpgThe Legend of the Bell

Have you noticed that small bell on some people's bikes
and wondered why it was there?

It's more than just decoration - It has a specific function.
As we all know, life has many mysteries that have no apparent solutions.

One of these is Evil Road Spirits.

They are the little gremlins that live on your bike. They love to ride. They're also responsible for most of your bike's problems. Read the full legend here!

  • Redback Spider Guardian Bell Redback Spider Guardian Bell

    Redback Spider Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Redback Spider The Redback spider, also known as the Australian black widow, is one of Australias most venomous spiders. But don't worry they only bite when provoked!This Redback Spider Guardian Bell is completely...

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  • St Michael Guardian Bell St Michael Guardian Bell

    St Michael Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - St Michael (patron saint of law enforcement) Saint Michael is the patron saint of those who are sick and suffering, as well as those who work in dangerous conditions such as military, police, security, firefighters, paramedics, and...

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  • Dog Paw Guardian Bell Dog Paw Guardian Bell

    Dog Paw Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Dog Paw They say dogs leave a footprint on our lives. This one’s made for all the four legged friend lovers out there!This Dog Paw Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an...

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  • Motorcycle Guardian Bell Motorcycle Guardian Bell

    Motorcycle Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Motorcycle This Motorcycle Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is made in America. Comes in a stylish velvet bag with the Guardian Bell...

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  • Pisces Guardian Bell Pisces Guardian Bell

    Pisces Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - PiscesPisces is Latin for "fishes". It is one of the earliest zodiac signs on record, with the two fish appearing as far back as c. 2300 BC on an Egyptian coffin lid.Embrace the power of the stars and the legacy of protection...

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  • Butterfly Guardian Bell Butterfly Guardian Bell

    Butterfly Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Butterfly Butterflies are known across many cultures as a sign of peace, harmony, and beauty. They are majestic to spot in the wild where they can be found in a beautiful array of colors.This Butterfly Guardian Bell is...

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  • Duck Guardian Bell Duck Guardian Bell

    Duck Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Duck Ducks are symbolic of diversity, simplicity, clarity, intuition, and vigilance. The duck tells you about the importance of being prepared for any eventualities that will give you great rewards.This Duck Guardian Bell is...

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  • Angel Guardian Bell Angel Guardian Bell

    Angel Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Angel Everyone needs a guardian angel. Angels act as messengers of God, and protectors and guides for humans.This Angel Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian®...

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  • Rebel Guardian Bell Rebel Guardian Bell

    Rebel Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Rebel This Rebel Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is made in America. Comes in a stylish velvet bag with the Guardian Bell purpose...

  • World Map Guardian Bell World Map Guardian Bell

    World Map Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - World Map Unlock the full secrets of the world. This one will carry you across continents no problem. Celebrate all the great places you have been. This World Map Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine...

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  • Wolf Guardian Bell Wolf Guardian Bell

    Wolf Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Wolf Wolves are elusive creatures who are often misunderstood and have been the subject of many myths and folklores. Traditionally, wolves symbolize guardianship, ritual, loyalty, teamwork, and instinctiveness. Celebrate your...

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  • Brumby Guardian Bell Brumby Guardian Bell

    Brumby Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Brumby The brumby represents the spirit of freedom.This Brumby (wild horse / mustang) Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is made in...

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  • Southern Cross Guardian Bell Southern Cross Guardian Bell

    Southern Cross Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Southern Cross The Southern Cross is a prominent constellation of stars in Australian skies and is only visible in the Southern Hemisphere. The Eureka Flag is a symbol of protest and defiance in Australia, and is associated with the...

  • Sugar Skull Guardian Bell Sugar Skull Guardian Bell

    Sugar Skull Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Sugar Skull Sugar skulls are meant to represent a departed loved one, and are usually meant as a sign of offering to the spirit of the dead. Associated with the Mexican holiday Día De Los Muertos, they bring the...

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  • Lady Bug Guardian Bell Lady Bug Guardian Bell

    Lady Bug Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Lady Bug It is said that when you see a ladybug it is considered good luck. Ladybugs are believed to be the symbols of inner peace, domestic balance, good health, and environmental security. The red and black colors of the ladybugs...

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  • Live to Ride Guardian Bell Live to Ride Guardian Bell

    Live to Ride Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Live to Ride A timeless slogan for bikers to live by. Live to ride, ride to live.This Live to Ride Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an authentic Guardian® Bell and is...

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  • Bear Guardian Bell Bear Guardian Bell

    Bear Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Bear Virtually every culture that has ever coexisted with bears has created myths and legends surrounding the beastly animals. To some they cause fear, while for others bears are seen with respect and reverence due to their...

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  • Tribal Spade Guardian Bell Tribal Spade Guardian Bell

    Tribal Spade Guardian Bell

    Biker Guardian Bell - Tribal Spade A Spade combined with a tribal band has come to mean good luck across multiple energy channels and universes.This Tribal Spade Guardian Bell is completely lead free and is made of fine pewter. This is an...

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